Club Info

Club Info

Under the federal Equal Access Act, secondary public schools receiving federal funding must allow students to form religious clubs if the school allows other non-curriculum related clubs to meet during non-instructional time. “Non-curriculum related” means the school does not give grades or require attendance. Non-curriculum related clubs also include the schools athletic teams.

YES Clubs are designed to help instill character, citizenship, and solid, time-honored values in each student who attends the meetings. We want to assist schools in helping students reach their full potential in life, and have fun doing it!
 YES Club International would like to be an asset and resource to your school.  In order to do so, here are some suggestions we would like to make along with some requests.  We are here to assist you in your efforts of teaching and training the citizens and future leaders of our communities.

Helpful Suggestions & Tips

  1. All Team Leaders / Directors  involved in the YES Club in your school will be chosen by Rock of Ages Ministries Missionaries or the local Baptist church group of your area.  These two groups will be responsible for screening all YES Club workers.  We always require that they submit to all screening processes any school district may require.  We suggest all club leaders have a federal background check before entering any school.
  2. Your YES Club will agree upon a set time for the club meetings allowed by the school and will be punctual in those meetings.  YES Clubs will abide by the time provided by the school administration.
  3. School officials, teachers, etc., are welcome and encouraged to attend and/or monitor all club meetings. We request at least one faculty member be present at all gatherings.
  4. We request that school officials submit to YES Club Team Leaders / Directors any legal counsel and guidelines, from the school’s governing offices, that school administrators consider important for us to know to best serve your school and community.
  5. The YES Club Team Leaders / Directors will be respectful and diligent in lesson preparation and presentation, to insure a positive and professional reflection upon the school and administration.